Thursday, March 27, 2008

Day 1

Today, my good deed was to feed, brush and play with our three cats. Mum usually feeds them and Dad normally plays with them. I know that I made a difference because Mum and Dad were relaxing while I helped with the cats. I also know that I made a difference because the cats weren't meowing because they wanted food or attention. I felt happy when I did this good deed because the cats were happy. I felt proud because feel that I made a small difference today.I know that I helped Mum because she said "thank you" and that I was a help. I think that the cats were also happy that I did this because they all had silky coats, full tummies and were playful.

I am looking forward to tomorrow and I am already planning what I am going to do tomorrow.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

Hey Ellen

I'm sure that your cats and your parents would have really appreciated you doing what you did.
Your page is looking AWESOME! Keep up the good work.